【 ancient one 】 found that the other side also has a huge to imagine.
And according to the characteristics handed out by the other party,
[Gu Yi] It is [Eternity] that quickly distinguishes the true identity of the other party! !
Not at the moment, I communicate with myself [busy forever]
It’s "Eternity" and "Real Subject" in "Five Creators"!
That is [Zun]!
But "Eternity" and "Subject" are confronted by that powerful force …
Although [Gu Yi] did not perceive any direct conflict between the two.
Both of them, the huge white area is scary [turbulent] but violent and passionate …
That’s enough to tear all the power
Make [the ancient one] daunting but dare not contact …
Her reason told her
It takes a spark to reverse the universe and the timeline, and it takes the whole universe back to the birth of the universe to restart everything. Similarly, it can accelerate the time to the destruction of the universe and completely destroy everything 2.
And all this
It’s just two strong people with a little aura.
Can’t they attack?
At the same time
The sound of "Eternity" also echoed in the ear of "Guyi"
"You see … that I confronted the invasion"
"That’s from the strong in different times."
"According to the brief conflict before, I already know his origin."
"From the [DC world-the best family] strong-[time]!"
"And his" world "department symbolized by a certain" concept "and" living "is all the" time "over there in" DC World "…"
"When the two worlds meet, they represent the world here, and I have a fundamental conflict with each other … the conflict between ability and responsibility … Although we didn’t really fight because of our peaceful personalities, there is no doubt that most of my strength is still restrained by him …"
"Besides me, the other four [Creator] eyes are more or less faced with similar problems."
"For example, the strength of [death] on the other side of [family] has a very serious overlapping phenomenon, but her strength is far weaker than that of the other side. Once in direct contact, it is likely to be directly absorbed. [The Justice of the Universe-the Court of Life] is also helpful to [death] and the creator …"
After listening to all this
[Gu Yi] was greatly shocked, but also greatly puzzled.
"Which [world] is DC World?"
"A special [parallel universe]?"
An old guy and an old guy who doesn’t adapt to modern entertainment.
It is obviously impossible to expect her to have time to read comics.
The [eternal] words naturally made her a little stunned.
Why can’t [Universe God] read [Comics] and [Eternity] but know something about [DC Comics]?
It’s really simple.
He was conscious of searching a lot of information about himself after he got in touch with the family-time …
Then he knew every issue of comics published by DC Comics Company.
I also know what I will face.
of course
Despite the intelligence protection, he is still not happy at all
Because he quickly confronted his family, he found that the opposite DC World Department seemed to have all kinds of information about his own world.
It is also presented in the form of "comics" and all are "superhero comics". It is said that it is called "Marvel Comics", and even "Marvel Comics" seems to have various similarities with "DC Comics" …
After observing the DC Comics Company in every universe, it is confirmed that every DC Comics Company’s comic ideas are naturally sprouted …
After careful association.
[Eternity] In my heart, there are a few mixed feelings …
As for that actual cause of this incident
He has some guesses, but he’s not sure, and he’s afraid to tell them …
After more than ten minutes.
Looking at has recovered [the ancient one]
"Odin" and "frigga" were immediately surrounded by hearts.
Especially [frigga] is particularly excited 3.
[Great Magician]
Although she personally taught [Shadow Loki], the loser’s output depended on the dagger physical assassin mage.
But her ability is worthy of recognition …
She can clearly feel the [ancient one] body that by the [eternal] residual strength.
It seems to her that this phenomenon is extremely good news! !
It is very likely to make a major turn for the better in this extinction crisis! !
And meet each other two people that eager eyes [ancient one] also didn’t let them down.
Look a little preoccupied and said
"Things have changed for the better [Eternal Crown]. Although the law directly saved the situation, it gave me a way to the [universe], and also told me that the residents of the [universe] did not want to experience the crisis of extinction. If two residents of the [universe] worked together, there would be no chance to eliminate the disaster …"
Hearing this, Odin took the lead and breathed a sigh of relief slightly.
Although it didn’t get the best results
By [eternal] personally to solve the problem.
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