MoXiao City is when the other party dialed the wrong number and was ready to hang up. The other party spoke "XiaoCheng …"
"Heart bud? Is that you? Why are you crying … "
Several students came over and called the teacher. Good Mo Xiaocheng nodded with them and said hello, then turned a corner and took the stairs.
Here comes the microphone. Xue Xinlei’s low crying sound makes it sound easy to give birth to love.
"Xiao City, where did you go the day before yesterday … I called you for a whole day and a day and a night yesterday … you didn’t pick up the plane … blare, don’t you know how worried I am about you …" Xue Xinlei cried and finally got the words complete.
Mo Xiaocheng remembered that he had rescued Guo Yunyao the day before yesterday when his mobile phone rang, and he threw it into the distance. Now his card is still returned to the mobile hall early.
In a thousand words, Mo Xiaocheng said three words, "I’m sorry …"
The explanation is very pale. Mo Xiaocheng doesn’t know what to say except these three words. He won’t comfort people, especially women.
"Do you know how worried I am about you these two days … I can’t sleep without food … Do you know … I had a dream last night that you were shot … it was terrible … I desperately wanted to get close to you … but I couldn’t get through it … and then I woke up … I realized it was a nightmare, but I was very scared. What should I do? Blare … "
Mo Xiaocheng quietly listened to Xue Xinlei telling her that she was worried that he didn’t answer the phone, so she listened …
"Sorry …"
This is the second sentence of Mo Xiaocheng. I’m sorry. He rarely said these three words to people. Today, he said two words for the first time. Finally, Xue Xinlei also felt his heartache and pallor, and gradually stopped crying and complaining.
So the two men quietly took the words and didn’t speak, listening to each other and breathing through the line.
"Xiao city"
"I listen"
"I don’t blame you. I really don’t blame you. I am …"
"I know"
"Don’t do this in the future, okay? Don’t don’t refuse to answer my words, okay? I will be very worried that you will ignore me after I leave. This feeling is very uncomfortable." Xue Xinlei turned out to be a pleading tone.
MoXiaoCheng took a drag on the temperature. "No, it’s not true. I was yesterday …"
Xue Xinlei quickly blocked him from talking. "Don’t explain to me that I believe you …" She paused and added, "From the first moment I saw you, my intuition told me that you are definitely not an ordinary man. I support you in everything you do … I have a small request that when you calm down, you can remember that a little girl named Xue Xinlei has been waiting for you silently … regret!"
Mo Xiaocheng was utterly confused and didn’t know how to speak. It took him a long time to spit out a word.
Xue Xinlei finished and hung up.
At this time, the heart of Moxiao City is complicated to the extreme, and there is a kind of but since water still flows, though we cut it with our swords sorrow.
Guo Yunyao and Xue Xinlei are on one side, and he really doesn’t know how to choose.
He once had a deep understanding of the latter, and now he can also understand the former.
Guo Yunyao’s love for him is a steady stream that never stops, such as boiling frogs in warm water, and cooking his heart bit by bit, like a tree worm eating leaves and swallowing his heart piece by piece.
And Xue Xinlei’s love is a fire, which comes so suddenly and so violently that she is melted all over him. In this fire, the taste of her lips can be clearly remembered by Mo Xiaocheng at any time.
He had already paid attention to the fact that he left Guo Yunyao and flew to the United States to reunite with his brother as soon as this year passed. He promised Guo Yunxue to take care of Guo Yunyao, and a promise delayed him for more than two years. It was a good thing for Guo Yunxue to do this. I believe that her spirit can’t say that Moxiao City is not doing well enough.
Mo Xiaocheng doesn’t know the meaning of Guo Yun Snow, but he just can’t accept Guo Yunyao and can’t live in his heart. He can’t keep wasting it, which is not good for both of them. He just wants to go as far as possible.
I have a headache when I think of Xue Xinlei in Moxiao City. I always do things decisively and never drag my feet. He doesn’t know how to deal with it. Why should I take Xue Xinlei to the United States?
This idea is not realistic enough, not to mention that Xue Xinlei is still in college. More importantly, Xue Xinlei is not alone. She has family and parents. How can his parents let Mo Xiaocheng bring his daughter to the United States for so many years? You know, the United States is far from the sea, one south and the other north. Once you go to the United States, you can’t come back once a year, even once in a few years. This alone can’t make them promise.
"Alas, I can’t stop thinking about it. I can’t imagine that Moxiao City is still trapped in love … The world is the world of mortals. This may be a robbery in my life!"
Mo Xiaocheng can’t figure it out. He just doesn’t want to cross the bridge. Now he feels like a super strongman, with no fists to hit cotton.
At this time, Mo Xiaocheng’s mobile phone rang again. It was a strange number.
"Hello …"
"Is it Teacher Mo? Come here quickly, Grandpa. He is in trouble. Some asshole will kick the pavilion!"
It was Qin Xiangxue calling!
"Hello, who are you looking for? Wrong number? If you don’t talk, I’ll hang up … "
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在广州这座繁华都市中,阿军SPA以其独特的按摩手法和专业的服务,成为了缓解疲劳、放松身心的理想之地。这家SPA馆以其特色按摩和温馨的环境,吸引了众多忙碌的都市人前来体验。 走进阿军SPA,首先映入眼帘的是舒适、优雅的环境。柔和的灯光、轻柔的音乐,营造出一种轻松、舒适的氛围。在这里,顾客可以暂时忘却繁忙的工作和生活,尽情享受按摩带来的放松与愉悦。 阿军SPA的特色按摩种类繁多,包括中式按摩、泰式按摩、足底按摩、芳香疗法等。每一种按摩都有其独特的功效,能够帮助顾客缓解疲劳、舒展肌肉、促进血液循环,并提高身体的免疫力。 中式按摩注重舒筋活络、调整气血,手法轻柔而有力。按摩师运用独特的推拿、揉、捏、敲等手法,让顾客在轻松愉悦的氛围中,感受到身体逐渐放松,疲劳逐渐消失。 泰式按摩则以拉伸、扭转、按压等手法为主,强调身体的整体性和平衡。按摩师在顾客的呼吸配合下,运用各种技巧,使肌肉得到充分拉伸,达到缓解疲劳、增强身体柔韧性的效果。 足底按摩是阿军SPA的另一大特色。按摩师通过按摩足底的穴位,刺激相关器官,帮助顾客缓解全身的疲劳。手法轻柔而有力,让顾客在按摩过程中,感受到身心愉悦。 此外,阿军SPA还提供芳香疗法,利用植物的香气,调节人体的内分泌,缓解压力,提高睡眠质量。顾客可以选择自己喜欢的植物精油,让身心得到更好的放松。 在阿军SPA,每一位按摩师都经过专业培训,拥有丰富的经验和技巧。他们以温柔细致的手法,为顾客提供舒适、安全的按摩体验。同时,阿军SPA还注重时间的灵活性,顾客可以根据自己的需求预约按摩时间,无需担心店铺的营业时间。 除了特色按摩,阿军SPA还提供各种SPA护理项目,如热石按摩、身体磨砂等。这些护理项目不仅可以放松身心,还能改善血液循环,促进新陈代谢。 在阿军SPA,每一位顾客都能找到适合自己的放松方式。无论是忙碌的上班族,还是疲惫的旅行者,在这里都能找到缓解疲劳、焕发活力的方法。 总之,阿军SPA以其特色按摩、专业服务、舒适环境,成为了广州都市人缓解疲劳、放松身心的理想之地。在这里,你可以暂时放下烦恼,尽情享受按摩带来的愉悦,让身心得到充分的放松与恢复。阿军SPA,让你的生活更加美好。